The Secretariat for Competence Development is supporting strategic and systematic competence development for central government employees/employees covered by the collective agreement.
The Secretariat has existed since 2000 as part of the collective agreement for central government employees (app. 198.000 employees). The Ministry of Finance and the Danish Central Federation of State Employees’ Organisations renew the collective agreement every 2-3 years.
We are in daily contact with employees and managers on how to apply for financial support to individual competence development. Furthermore, we give advice on how Cooperation Committees and others at the workplace plan, implement and follow up on strategic and systematic competence development.
For further information contact:
The Secretariat for Competence Development (Kompetencesekretariatet)
Kristen Bernikows Gade 4, 4. sal
1105 Copenhagen K
Telephone: (+45) 33 18 69 69
Under the collective agreement for central-government employees for the period 2024-2026, The Secretariat for Competence Development is responsible for:
The Secretariat for Competence Development is responsible for managing the State Sector Competence Fund and for advising government workplaces on competence development. The Secretariat is organised as follows:
The Secretariats tasks are based on the collective agreements for central government employees for the period 2021-2024.
You can read more about the collective agreements in Cirkulære om aftale om Kompetenceudvikling (in Danish), Cirkulære om aftale om Den Statslige Kompetencefond (in Danish) and Cirkulære om aftale om Organisering af parternes fælles arbejde med kompetenceudvikling i staten (in Danish), both from the 28th of September 2021.
The Secretariat was set up by the partners to the government collective agreement (Danish Employee and Competence Agency and the Danish Central Federation of State Employees’ Organisations (CFU)) to assist in joint work on competence development at government workplaces.
The Ministry of Finance and the Danish Central Federation of State Employees’ Organisations (CFU) set up the Secretariat (previously called the Centre for Development of Human Resources and Quality Management) during the collective agreement negotiations in 1999 and the Secretariat started it’s work on the 1st of April 2000. Since then the collective agreement has been renegotiated in 2002, 2005, 2008 and 2011, and the Secretariat was continued in each agreement. In the 2013 negotiations, the Secretariat was renamed the Secretariat for Competence Development, which was continued at the 2015, 2018, 2021 and 2024 agreements. A lot has changed throughout the years, but the core area remains strategic competence development.
Danish Employee and Competence Agency under the Ministry of Finance is the government “employers’ organisation” and it acts as the agreement partner and as advisor for government workplaces on pay, management and personnel matters.
The Danish Central Federation of State Employees’ Organisations (CFU) is the cooperation between Trade Unions organizing employees in the public sector, both state and municipal employees. CFU negotiates the collective agreements with the Ministry of Finance. The parties to the collaboration are The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC), The Collective Negotiation Community of Central and Local Government Employees SKAF (CO10 and LC) as well as Organisations of Public Employees – Denmark (OAO). The central organisations cover approx. 98% of all state employees.
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